
2019 Guide fiscal transfrontalier Canada -États-Unis

Ce guide fait le point sur les questions et tendances fiscales concernant les États-Unis et le Canada.  Le Guide de survie fiscale Canada/États-Unis 2019  traite…

Équipe fiscale Canada/É.-U.

Montréal, Canada – Les cabinets membres de UHY International UHY Advisors (USA), UHY LDMB (Vancouver), UHY Victor (Montréal), Goldfarb, Shulman, Patel (Toronto) ont créé un…

“UHY International Business ” Le numéro 6 est maintenant disponible

UHY Victor LLP, membre du réseau mondial de comptabilité UHY, présente la dernière édition de UHY International Business – Numéro 6. Cette publication semestrielle présente…

UHY International Business Issue 6

UHY Victor LLP, member of the global accountancy network UHY, introduces the latest edition of UHY International Business – Issue 6. This bi-annual publication features…




UHY Canada U.S. Tax Team available to assist with FBAR Reporting

(July 15, 2009) The Internal Revenue Service has extended the deadline for filing a report on foreign bank accounts to Sept. 23, 2009 from the…




2018 Canada US Tax Survival Guide Released

This guide provides an update of tax issues and trends involving the US and Canada. The 2018 Canada/U.S. Tax Survival Guide covers issues that many Canadian and…

UHY Capability Statement 2018

Our 2018 capability statement demonstrates our worldwide presence and capabilities. Our 2018  edition includes eight case studies, with a range of international clients across a…




Transfer Pricing – CRA states that the cost of capital property does not become statute barred

(June 14, 2017) Generally transactions becomes “statute barred” in Canada after three years and are not subject to adjustments by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).…

UHY Global Study: Capital Investments

(April 10, 2017) Canadian capital investment lags the world average, putting future Canadian growth at risk​ Canada sees capital investment fall 3.5% in five years…